Holders of the Royal Chess Club Memberships Cards & Set Holders (all master roles) will have a total of 13,750,000 $RCC (2.5% of the token distribution) distributed to them.
The airdrops will proceed by the following method.
There will be a snapshot period of 9 weeks
In order to receive the airdrop, the Membership Cards and Chess sets must remain in your wallet during the snapshot period. You may receive rewards for a portion of the period as well, as multiple snapshots will be taken weekly at undisclosed times to prevent any manipulation of the snapshots
Those who hold their Royal Chess Club Membership Cards and Chess sets for the entirety of the 9 weeks will receive a Limited Edition Diamond Card. This card is simply for semantics, and will have no utility.
Airdrop Distribution
80% of the 13,750,000 $RCC (11,000,000 $RCC) will go to Membership Card Holders
20% of the 13,750,000 $RCC (2,750,000 $RCC) go to the Chess set Holders in the following breakdown:
Guild Master (25%)
Shrine Master (30%)
Dynasty Master (30%)
Pyramid Master (15%)
Last updated